The difference between FUT and FUE hair transplants

The two most popular types of surgical hair transplants are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Both methods offer advantages and potential drawbacks and the more you know, the easier you should find it to make the best decision for you. Let’s look at each in turn.

Hair Transplantation Fut Vs Fue

Methods of hair transplantation fut vs fue poster with infographic elements on white background vector illustration

FUT Hair Transplants

A FUT hair transplant is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that involves ‘strip harvesting’. 

How does a FUT hair transplant work?

A surgeon makes an incision from the back of one ear to the back of the other, removing a strip of skin 1-1.5cm in height from your scalp. This strip may contain 1,000s of hair follicles. Individual follicles are then dissected from the donor strip, and prepared for implantation.

The next step is for the surgeon to make a series of tiny incisions in the recipient site, ready for the donor follicles to be implanted by a surgical team.

Hair Transplant Benefits 

  • Free Consultation
  • Female-friendly 
  • No shaving required
  • Faster than FUE hair transplant procedures
  • Cheaper than FUE hair transplants
  • Usually yields more hair than FUE
  • Better for a significant amount of grafts than FUE 
  • It can be supplemented with an FUE transplant later
  • Inclusive aftercare

Hair Transplant Drawbacks 

  • It can leave a linear scar, which determines a longer hairstyle to hide it
  • Grafts can be overharvested
  • Stitches are required 
  • Recovery time is longer than an FUE hair transplant
  • Healing is less comfortable than FUE

How long does it take?

The average FUT procedure takes three to eight hours, depending on the number of grafts.

How much does it cost? 

Prices start at £3,495 for 1,000- 3,000 grafts, including aftercare.

Is it safe? 

Although there is always a small risk of bleeding or infection with any surgical procedure, this is a safe outpatient procedure performed by highly-trained surgeons in a sterile environment.

Does it hurt? 

FUT hair transplants are performed under local anaesthetic to numb the area. However, you may feel some discomfort during and after the procedure.

Are there any side effects? 

Common side effects include:

  • Itching
  • Scabbing
  • Bleeding
  • Mild swelling
  • Temporary shedding

Although this list may seem alarming, most symptoms can be managed with painkillers and by following aftercare advice from your clinician. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your clinic immediately.

What is the recovery time?

Your recovery time may vary but most people can resume most normal activities within two to three weeks.

When will I see the results? 

You may see some regrowth earlier, but the best results should be apparent around six to nine months after the procedure. 

What is the success rate? 

The success rate of a FUT hair transplant is high, between 97%-100%.

FUE Hair Transplants

An FUE hair transplant is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that involves individual follicle implantation.

How does an FUE hair transplant work?

A surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions in the donor site (usually at the back of the head) using an 08.-1mm punch to extract individual follicles straight from the head. A surgical team then make a series of incisions in the recipient site and implant the follicles.

FUE Hair Transplant Benefits 

  • Free Consultation
  • Faster healing time
  • Less invasive than FUT
  • Often less pain/discomfort after surgery
  • It doesn’t leave a linear scar
  • Hair can be harvested from other parts of the body in some cases
  • Works better than FUT for those with poor hair density
  • Inclusive aftercare


  • Typically, a lower yield than FUT
  • Requires more extensive shaving of the head
  • It takes longer than FUT

How long does it take?

The FUE procedure typically takes four to seven hours, depending on the number of grafts.

How much does it cost? 

Prices start at £2,995 for 500- 5,000 grafts, including aftercare.

Is it safe? 

Yes, as long as you are in the hands of a professional surgeon, such as ours, FUE is a safe and minimally invasive procedure. 

Does it hurt? 

Since your scalp is numbed by local anaesthetic before the procedure, you should feel only mild discomfort. The numbing injections may be more uncomfortable than the surgery!

Are there any side effects? 

There is less risk of scarring with FUE than with FUT but the mahoroity of possible side effects are consistent. 

What is the recovery time?

You should be able to resume many of your normal activities within around a week, providing aftercare rules are observed. 

When will I see the results?

The first results may be visible within three months or so but you should allow 9-12 months for the full results to become apparent. 

What is the success rate? 

Like FUT, the success rate of an FUE hair transplant is between 97%-100%.

For a free, no-obligation consultation, please call 020 8088 2393 or fill in our online consultation form.

In the meantime, check out some testimonials from some of our many happy clients. 

We look forward to hearing from you.